Time for a Challenge

In the core of today’s Autumn Equinox, we can find the truth of where we stand - if we are willing.

There are 2 days a year of equal light and dark, and the dualistic nature of this human existence gets a chance to recalibrate or rebalance itself. Our beliefs, like the tires on our car, need to be rotated and balanced to avoid uneven wear or, even worse, a flat tire that leaves us stranded.

The Spring and Autumn equinoxes present an opportunity for recalibration.

If we choose to reflect upon the last 6 months, we can see in this polarity our projections more clearly. Then, upon this reflection, ask yourself how does this impact my self-awareness? Am I open to being wrong and if so, what will that do to my ego if I allow my blind spots to be exposed?

Reflecting upon our personal self-awareness and seeking all blind spots allows us the freedom to not become too rigid in our protective belief systems. To rearrange our thoughts and to avoid an ego that’s so fragile that being wrong can never be a choice. Finding out you are wrong can be a godsend if used correctly, freeing you from a place you never knew existed. In today’s society, good old-fashioned debates and an openness to being challenged seems to have faded away.

Take this time to spend a day walking in another’s shoes. Assume everything you believe is wrong and challenge yourself to understand why someone would believe something so opposite of you. For many, the 60-40 rule applies. Only trust 60% of what you believe. But for most, nowadays it is 100% and we blow out all of our tires with the refusal to be open to anything other than what echoes our own beliefs.

This soulful “tire rotation” is the only way to not get stuck in ideas that are monolithic in nature. The group is never as smart as the single-minded thinker, as the collective group IQ is much lower than the person who thinks for themselves. In a day and age in which group-think has so much impact on our daily lives, find the courage be a trendsetter. Be that person who isn’t afraid to ask questions and who looks to be wrong instead of right.

I encourage you to use this day of balance to find the balance in yourself. - BWA


Some like it hot - hello Aries!


The Wonder of Spring