Some like it hot - hello Aries!

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, represents the fire of birth and the beginning of consciousness that integrates the soul in our human form.

Aries is the energy of the “will” and is here to learn how to use their assertive instincts to energetically transform into vibrant stand-alone individuals.

This energy represents the initial call to action to create what is new – or to pave a new wave into consciousness. 

Aries energy understands the instincts to save and defend while realizing the sacrifice that must be made for the greater good.  It’s in their assertiveness that they know how to do things on their own. Their warrior mentality is willing to do this. Aries must live to face sacrifice even if they are in the midst of their own survival. 

If you are close with an Aries, you know that this is not the sign you can tell what to do. Like the other fire-oriented signs (Leo and Sagittarius), an Aries must learn through experience.  

What does an Aries need? 

Most importantly, to experience life as they see fit and must do as they please without alienating others. 

Aries energy needs to take charge of situations and keep moving forward. It’s only after getting knocked on the head a few times that they learn how to adapt themselves and make the correct changes to keep moving forward.

Once the Aries has learned the lessons of their many experiences, it is then that they can become the leader they aspire to be and emerge specifically as the warrior protector.  

Yes, I would want the evolved Aries by my side in a battle!

How can an Aries grow?

While it is the energy of Aries to do things on their own, they must learn discernment when leading or even doing the mundane things life presents. In other words, Aries must avoid their shadow, which can have a tendency to become selfish. There is a fine line between assertiveness and selfishness. 

When Aries is in its shadow, they will find themselves in one battle after the next. The Ram is now in a constant state of defense, and when in this mode, hearing what another person has to say falls on deaf ears. 

As the battle rages on and the dynamic of the Aries soul is constantly influx, they can find themselves in one battle after the next. On one hand, the Ram wants to save the world (and certainly has the ability to do so) but on the other, somewhere deep inside, they don’t feel worthy of such responsibility.

The question is how many times does Aries have to prove to itself that it can persevere?

Eventually, Aries will realize that no matter what they do, they always have the will to overcome any obstacle. The Aries can then acknowledge where that will comes from. Instead of trying to prove to the world how strong they are, the Aries can simply be who they are. There is nothing more, or nothing less. The Aries is sec­ure in who they are.

All signs have a shadow, and with Aries, they must avoid their unconscious excuse of blaming others for their own actions and see it as themselves that has created their own dilemmas.

Remember this: Aries should always remember its unconscious connectedness to source.

Failure comes when an Aries believes that the power lies only in the human self. When the Aries let’s go of the ego-driven idea that they are solely in control, they achieve what they have always been looking for. 

This is a common trap. It takes a while for all of us to understand the dynamic of who we really are. The same can be said for the younger Aries. There is a very reflexive “ready to fight” mentality for Aries energy at a younger age, which can sometimes overwhelm the energy of the slower, more grounded signs and in turn cause conflict.

But look at an Aries later in life and you will see someone who has built-in resolve. They will have conditioned themselves through their different phases of “life trials” to use their abundance of energy in a more unified way. The Aries becomes less reactive and more composed. Less ready to fight and more willing to let things play out. In other words, the Aries uses their experiences to better control their temper. 

It’s the learning to corral their abundant energy and direct it to the place they most fear is when they start to find their equilibrium. 

When the Aries can admit what they fear and head directly toward that place is when they start to figure out who they truly are. 

It is then that the Aries can close their eyes and see themself alone on the top of the mountain.

There, the Aries stares down to the depths of who they are. Yet they still ask themselves, “Who am I? 

Their first instinct is to jump and as they are falling, they start to realize that they are no longer in control. 

The Aries starts to feel an overwhelming fear of annihilation. They start to fight profusely, trying to find a way at all costs to survive. 

When the Aries is challenged with survival, they must avoid the shadow and selfishly seek out to survive, no matter whom it might hurt. It is then the Aries remembers how to channel their fear.

They remember that they are the daredevils, and they are the warriors. The Aries brings their impulse of control back to their grasp and stops fighting; as they center themself courage starts to rise and they see a large branch protruding from the side of the mountain. 

The Aries reaches for it but misses. 

More determined now they see another branch. Knowing this is their last chance, the Aries snags the branch with the tips of their fingers succeeding in stopping their fall.

Once again, the Aries has risen to the intensity of the challenge and confirmed their role as the warrior.

How does an Aries love?

The essence of the “Ram” in love presents fiery intensity. For the Aries, the art of love is the act of love and the experience of passion that comes with it. Like everything else the Aries does, they go into love head first, and when living in the light, the Aries will not fear their vigor and will attract partners who can handle their intense nature. 

In the shadow, the Aries will deflect the issues that their partner presents. This can cause their partner to be frustrated and burnt out fairly quickly by the fiery disposition of an Aries.

As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is a symbol for beginnings. Aries energy represents hope that the new spring can live again within the beauty of all creation. Aries energy can give the strength, to not only believe in this beauty, but also the opportunity to be actively involved in it. 

An Aries is not the type to sit on the couch and feel sorry for themselves. They are here to energize the foundation of growth that will allow their true identity to be revealed as they evolve. 

As with all signs, we all have a bit of Aries within us in reaching our evolutionary journey. It is up to us to find out where Aries makes its mark and to create space for its light and its shadow. 

When we do, we will find the proper contextual understanding of the warrior within and how to integrate that warrior in its proper balance. 

With this, we allow fear to dissolve and can push forward without hesitation. This side of the evolution of our journey toward wholeness leads us to how we can be self-reliant and at peace in being alone. 

As the energy of Aries fully immerses itself, a calmness starts to come over us and we begin to take steps into the Earth. In order to understand the fire that burns within, we must understand how it works with nature. 

When we truly take the Aries fire and consolidate its nature, we start to merge ourselves into the next phase: Taurus. 

<More on Taurus coming in April.>


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