Work With Brad
“Nothing happens in astrology
unless it needs to happen.”
— Steven Forrest
Getting Started
What does a session with Brad look like? The format will vary depending on the group size and goals, but the foundation remains the same.
During your time with Brad, you’ll work hand-in-hand to co-create and journey into the realm of your deep-rooted fears and understand how they got there. This process leads to discovering both your destinational purpose and what factors and behaviors slow you down from achieving this.
When a client can understand that their current themes are truly purposeful for progress moving forward, they can then effectively work together to build strategies that are priceless for a more direct and purposeful life. Brad shares that these aha moments are why he experiences such fulfillment in his profession.
Individual Offerings
• Birth Chart Review/Natal Karmic Story (This first reading is required before scheduling any further individual consultation.)
• Transit\Progressions (Where are you now in relationship to your soul journey?)
• Solar return (What is my theme for the year?)
• Couples Reading (Both individuals must have an individual reading before scheduling a joint session.)
• Relocation (Discover where you should live to get the most out of your expression.)
Individual consultations are $350. Brad holds three sliding scale appointments per month, so please reach out if this applies to you.
Professional Development
Imagine how your business can grow when your employees are free to see past their self-imposed limitations based on fear. The fear and blind spots that hold us back can be eliminated when we discover that our boundaries that created the fear aren’t some random act but are actually the path to wholeness. If we have a direct glimpse into the meaning behind past wounds, we can transcend our emotional limitations. Then we are freer to be an open channel in our creative form of self-expression. When you encourage your employees to seek this kind of freedom than the collaborative process becomes more robust and creative production thrives, ultimately creating an atmosphere in the office that is more trusting, more open, and more inclusive.
Group Consults
Contact Brad for a personal group session for birthdays and other events that will be personally customized to your groups needs.