About Brad
“As long as I can remember — even as a little kid — understanding our potential has been a goal of mine.”
— Brad Williams, Astrologer
It is a beautiful thing to watch a child dream without a full understanding of our limitations. As a young boy, Brad often sat out to try and transcend our boundaries and dream of the esoteric possibilities.
A dreamer through and through, Brad has always been fascinated by the undercurrents of life, and like any true entrepreneur who self-admittedly had no idea what they were getting themselves into, Brad decided to take the journey toward wholeness as he turned his goal of becoming an Astrological Counselor into reality.
That was in the summer of 2008 and he has never looked back. Brad shares that his journey has been filled with all kinds of adventures and learning the art of wholeness through all the discussions with clients. It isn’t lost on Brad that his collaboration with his clients also helps find meaning in himself.
Brad now works with individuals, groups, and business of all sizes to help open the door to whatever stagnates growth — not only within the self but also creatively.
As we experience life, it is Brad’s hope that he can be a conduit in helping YOU help YOURSELF evolve. As individuals, we are our own best teacher. This means it is up us personally to resolve our inner conflicts. It is a personal journey that only you can achieve.
But how can we do this when we are so close to the issues — often TOO close to truly see them clearly?
Since 1998, Brad has used astrology as the tool for this deep and often vulnerable level of self-understanding.
“Astrology helps us understand those blind spots,” says Brad. “It speaks to us personally and It encourages us to move past our self-imposed limitations by having more direct access to the source of those so-called limitations.”